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Jakarta Sinfonietta - Giovani Biga: MUSIC AT VERSAILLES (Sunday 19/09/21)

Jakarta Sinfonietta - Giovani Biga: MUSIC AT VERSAILLES (Sunday 19/09/21)

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Diselenggarakan oleh Jakarta Sinfonietta

Jakarta Sinfonietta - Giovani Biga: MUSIC AT VERSAILLES (Sunday 19/09/21)

Diselenggarakan oleh Jakarta Sinfonietta
Diselenggarakan oleh Jakarta Sinfonietta
  • Jakarta Sinfonietta & Giovani Biga


    The first concert of 2021 Second Half Season will be a special experience for our audiences, since French baroque orchestral music is hardly performed in Indonesia, especially as a full concert progrom. French instrumental music distinguished itself from the Italian primarily by the instruments it favoured, namely the lute, theorbo, harpsichord, viola da gamba and flute, but also by its focus on musical declamation, ornamentation and eloquent restraint.

    France was governed by art-loving Monarchs from Louis XIII through to Marie-Antoinette, who understood the social and political importance of the Arts and actively promoted them. To Louis XIV, power and the Arts were linked, whereas Marie-Antoinette’s love of music was apolitical. The role of music changed over the centuries, as well as its forms, instruments, interpretation and reception.


    • Prelude from “Te Deum” (M.A. Charpentier)
    • Orchestra Suite from “Les bourgeois gentilhomme” (J.B. Lully)
    • Concert for Four-Parts Viols (M.A. Charpentier)
    • Orchestra Suite from “Les Indes galantes” (J.P. Rameau)

    For your convenience, the event will be aired twice with the same program on 18 or 19 September 2021 (please choose one of them). There will be 3 type of ticket's donations which you can choose freely depends of your preferences as this is an online event and no difference beetwen the tickets.

    Thank you for your support to Jakarta Sinfonietta.

    More information: WhatsApp | Instagram | Facebook

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      All information regarding to tickets and events, please contact Loket.com call center at email:  [email protected] or call to +62-21-8060-0822.

  • Category B
    Base Price + Donation

    Berakhir 2021-09-19 16:00:00



    Category C
    Base Price + Donation

    Berakhir 2021-09-19 16:00:00



    Category A
    Base Price

    Berakhir 2021-09-19 16:00:00



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