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#SelasaStartup Kubernetes 101: The Connection Between Technology and Agility

#SelasaStartup Kubernetes 101: The Connection Between Technology and Agility

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Diselenggarakan oleh DailySocial.id

#SelasaStartup Kubernetes 101: The Connection Between Technology and Agility

Diselenggarakan oleh DailySocial.id
Diselenggarakan oleh DailySocial.id
  • The development of technology is getting faster. With technology now at the forefront of business
    value creation, forward-thinking business and IT leaders recognize that a new, smarter and more
    agile way to deliver modern applications is needed to gain competitive advantage. This trend is
    increasingly moving toward a cloud-native approach to delivering applications that enables valuable
    technology improvements to be introduced more rapidly.
    This approach embraces agile development practices, containerized applications, microservices-
    based architectures, integrated DevOps teams and processes, and end-to-end application lifecycle
    automation. These are all key components of the digital transformation that is widely perceived as a
    modern business imperative.
    Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads
    and services.
    In #SelasaStartup session, we invite you to get to know more about Kubernetes, managing containers
    and its relevance to the ability of #SelasaStartup which is considered important today.

  • [RSVP] #SelasaStartup 20 April 2021

    Berakhir 2021-04-20 17:00:00



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