Content Strategy: Meningkatkan Traffic Melalui Konten

Content Strategy: Meningkatkan Traffic Melalui Konten

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Diselenggarakan oleh GoWork Coworking Space

Content Strategy: Meningkatkan Traffic Melalui Konten

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Diselenggarakan oleh GoWork Coworking Space

    Content strategy adalah salah satu ide paling sulit bagi brand saat ini untuk dipahami dan dijalankan dengan sukses. Menurut MarketingProfs, hanya 35% marketers B2C yang mengatakan bahwa strategi pemasaran konten yang mereka miliki sangat efektif. Padahal penyusunan strategi untuk konten juga dapat meningkatkan traffic dan memberimu kesempatan untuk bereksperimen dengan taktik marketing lainnya.

    Content strategy adalah cara kamu merencanakan apa yang ingin dicapai dengan publikasi konten, tipe konten apa yang paling sesuai, dan bagaimana cara membuat dan mendistribusi konten serta bagaimana cara mengukur keberhasilannya. Dengan menyusun content strategy, kamu juga bisa mengevaluasi strategi kamu sehingga bisa menjadi lebih efektif dan juga efisien.

    Melalui kelas ini, Anda akan belajar mengenai konsep dasar dari content marketing strategy, cara mengembangkan, mengatur dan mengimplementasikan serta mengaudit content marketing strategy yang digunakan.


    • Konsep dasar content marketing strategy.
    • How to develop content marketing strategy.
    • How to organize and implement content marketing strategy.
    • Cara mengaudit hasil performa konten tersebut.


    • Content Strategist
    • Entrepreneur
    • Employee
    • Fresh Graduate


    • Full practical insights and knowledge from the Expert
    • Live Q&A session
    • Speaker's presentation material


    Agnes Friska Cyntia Puspitasari - Co-founder of


    • Device (Handphone, Laptop) & Stationery
    • Make sure you have a good internet connection.
    • Get your notes/laptop ready.

    Syarat & Ketentuan

    • The event will be conducted in Bahasa.
    • The event will be held via Zoom. So, please be advised to download Zoom and sign up/sign in through your Zoom account before the event start.
    • The invitation Zoom link can be accessed through the e-voucher. After your booking is successful, you will receive a confirmation email from Lingkaran representative (at the day event), and you will need to do a quick re-registration to receive information about the webinar’s URL streaming.
    • Please kindly check your Spam Box if you could not find the email regarding the Zoom link in your inbox.
    • Participants are advised to register to the Zoom link, 2 hours maximum before the event start.
    • Be sure you enter your full name and personal email correctly and valid. If there is a difference in name and email information between e-ticket and registration upon entering the webinar, the participant is not entitled to gain access into the webinar link.
    • E-ticket and webinar link are valid for 1 (one) participant and 1 (one) time use only according to the date & time of the online event. GoWork has the rights to take necessary action if there are harmful allegations or fraudulent acts during/after the session.
    • Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] & [email protected] if you need any concerns or further assistance.
  • Regular Ticket Price
    E-ticket and webinar link are valid for 1 (one) participant and 1 (one) time use only according to the date & time of the online event.

    Berakhir 2021-03-14 19:00:00



    Bundling Promo for 2 Tickets
    E-ticket and webinar link are valid for 2 (two) participants and 1 (one) time use only according to the date & time of the online event.

    Berakhir 2021-03-14 19:00:00



    Early Bird Ticket
    Seats are limited. First paid, first serve.

    Berakhir 2021-03-08 12:00:00



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